Sunday, January 1, 2012

Brand new year, Brand new Gracie!

Just gonna hammer out a quickie post so I can get to bed asap. I've been ruminating my joint ideas of journalling my P90X transformation-to-be (I know I know, I'm a ridiculously optimistic gal) PLUS committing to a daily post for 2012.

So I thought 'Gracie, why not do a daily post on your P90X transformation?'. Thus here you have 'P90X Does Gracie!' which shall chronicle my daily P90X exploits. Brilliant. :D

Not sure if I will succeed at either, but we'll see and reassess a few months down the road. I have a poor track record of updating my 10+ blogs haha! (But I think I'm getting better!)

I'm actually on Day 14 of the P90X, so I'll backdate the posts on how I started out... some time next week. ;)

For those of you who know me, you'll know I've struggled with chronic illness for most of my life. 2011 was a year of Ups (did my first of several triathlons woohoo) and Downs (frequent relapses, failure to wean off the hydrocortisone). (Read more at Grace's Tribulations)

BUT, I have now been off the steroids for 37 days and feel in the best physical shape of my life. It's such a wonderful thing, to be able to run, bike, swim and do any physical activity, really, and not be limited by illness. I've discovered the sheer joy of running long and have been exploring the trails in the forest reserve behind my apartment complex. I'm curious to see what Grace's body can do, how far she can go!

Happy New Year!

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